Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Pot-Smoking Police

That can be the only explanation, right?

Priests Smoke Pot

Amazing how this is also a BRIEF when the ANTI forces get front-page, full-article spreads in the anti-pot, agenda-pushing propaganda paper.

"Police group wants drugs legalized

A small but growing number of New Hampshire law enforcement officers have joined a group that supports legalizing drugs.

Time to get out of Massachusetts once and for all.

The group, called Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, says it has 11,000 members in 90 countries.

That's NOT SMALL! What you smoking, Globe?

There are 132 members in New Hampshire, including 20 who joined in the last three months. Epping Police Officer Bradley Jardis joined two years ago. He enforces drug laws while on the job, but off duty he says drugs should be legal and regulated like alcohol (AP)."

Of course, anything that might actual
help you stay alive, this government opposes.

"Study: Smoking Pot Doesn't Cause Cancer--It May Prevent It! Smoking Cannabis Does Not Cause Cancer Of Lung or Upper Airways, Tashkin Finds; Data Suggest Possible Protective Effect"

It's a CULTURE of DEATH state, liberal Massachusetts is!!!

Also read: The Ron Paul Platform: Personal Freedom