Friday, February 19, 2010

Around AmeriKa: Jailbreak in North Carolina

Related: Massachusetts Justice: Wrongful Convictions

MSM Xmas Gifts: To American Convicts


"the North Carolina Innocence Commission, the only state-run agency in the country dedicated to proving a convicted person’s innocence."

Isn't TRUTH and JUSTICE supposed to be GOVERNMENT'S WORK?


"N.C. man exonerated after 16 years in jail" by Martha Waggoner, Associated Press | February 18, 2010

RALEIGH, N.C. - A North Carolina man who insisted he was innocent of murder throughout more than 16 years in prison was declared a free man yesterday after a groundbreaking exoneration pressed by the nation’s only statewide innocence panel.

We need MORE of THOSE!

Of course, then you are rubbing up against the Pri$on-Indu$trial Complex of Tyranny.

Greg Taylor’s shackles were removed and he was swept into the arms of his relatives, including a daughter and the son-in-law he met for the first time.


Greg Taylor hugged his daughter, Kristen Puryear, after he was exonerated on murder charges by the statewide panel.

Greg Taylor hugged his daughter, Kristen Puryear, after he was exonerated on murder charges by the statewide panel. (Shawn Rocco/Associated Press)

Gee, I kind of welled-up a minute there.

Taylor said he was looking forward to a good meal and thrilled that he was no longer considered guilty of murdering a prostitute in 1991.

“To think all these years what this day would be like; 6,149 days and finally the truth has prevailed,’’ said Taylor, 47, after three judges agreed he didn’t kill Jacquetta Thomas.

So HOW MUCH in TAX LOOT is this going to cost you, North Carolina taxpayers, when the civil suit comes?

Yeah, YOU PAY for TYRANNY in ways you can not believe!

The three judges, appointed by the state’s chief justice, heard six days of arguments and testimony at the recommendation of the North Carolina Innocence Commission, the only state-run agency in the country dedicated to proving a convicted person’s innocence.

Taylor’s case put into question the policies of state investigators and specialists whose work had put him behind bars.

Always, America, always question authority!!

They have PROVEN they are NOT TO BE TRUSTED!

“Today was a great day for the North Carolina system of justice,’’ defense attorney Joe Cheshire said.

Sort of. An INDICTMENT of AmeriKan Justice, too.

Unlike a trial, where the prosecution must prove a defendant’s guilt, the defense was required to prove Taylor’s innocence.

Are you sure that isn't the way it is working right now because....

The attorneys did that by taking apart almost every aspect of the prosecution’s case, from proving there was no blood on Taylor’s SUV to discrediting eyewitness testimony.

Much as BLOGGERS have done to 9/11, folks.

Aside from the scientific evidence and the eyewitness testimony, the strongest point in Taylor’s favor was his steadfast refusal to confess.

And buildings simply do not drop that way from fire -- neither before or since.

Police and prosecutors repeatedly offered a reduced sentence if he would testify against his friend, Johnny Beck. Taylor refused.

Yeah, that is the SEARCH for TRUTH and JUSTICE in AmeriKa!!!

The authorities care MORE ABOUT CONVICTIONS even if they must FRAME PEOPLE because they ONLY CARE about the Won-Loss Record!


Also see:
Former Stoughton police officer says guilty in plea deal

Massachusetts Justice: FBI Sweeps Up Stoughton

Massachusetts Justice: The Stench of Stoughton

And don't drink the water when in North Carolina:

"Inquiry urged on Marine base tap water" by Associated Press | February 19, 2010

WILMINGTON, N.C. - A North Carolina congressman said yesterday that he wants an investigation into reports that levels of a cancer-causing chemical in tap water at a Marine Corps base were downplayed and then omitted from official documents.

It's called a COVER-UP!

Oh, yeah, support the troops.

Democratic Representative Brad Miller called for the investigation by his House science subcommittee yesterday - a day after the Associated Press reported on new documents that indicate massive fuel leaks at Camp Lejeune and high concentrations of benzene found in a water well there in 1984....

Related: Breaking News: Shut Down Vermont Yankee Now!

I know how you are feeling, North Carolina.


Also see:
Around AmeriKa: North Carolina's Tobacco Road to Nowhere