Tuesday, May 25, 2010

AmeriKa Falling For the Same Old Song and Dance?


"If this is the big correction we have all known is coming, then the one and only political banner that Wall Street and Washington DC were able to wave at us all to convince us that our hardships were all our own fault may be falling. Americans will soon confront the reality that the Federal Government and its reckless policies catering to Wall Street ARE the problem.

As I type this, Obama is on TV calling for a new small business support program, which means more taxes collected by the government. And that right there is the real cause of the problem. Government not does not produce anything, Indeed government is an excuse for consuming without producing. Like an arcane priesthood the government survives on the faith of the people that the government actually accomplishes something useful. But just as religion, which purported to represent the will of a divine omnipotent being, has been exposed as a haven of opportunists willing to say anything to get money from you and then screw you in the sphincter, so too government stands exposed as a haven of opportunists willing to say anything to get money from you and then screw you in the sphincter.

I can see it in Obama's face as he tries to cheer his audience up about the future. Obama knows the American people see the Federal Government for what it has become; a fascist dictatorship robbing the poor to give to the rich. Obama knows the American people know the existing wars were started with lies and the push for wars with North Korea and Iran are equally mendacious. Obama knows the American people see the collapsed mine and sunken oil platform as complete failures of the Federal Government to care for America, while at the same time looting America to take care of Israel. Obama knows the American people, absent some major distraction like dropping a nuke on Hawaii and blaming North Korea for it, are about to turn on the government the way that Iceland, Greece, etc. etc. etc. turned on theirs. And Obama knows the American people will never sit still for the government opening fire on its own to keep the slaves in their cribs.


The US Government needs a new war. They have been unable to get any traction for a war on Iran. So how they are trying to sell you a new war with North Korea, or to be more accurate a continuation of the old one.

The Nikkei is down 231 points as of this writing and the trading day in Japan is only half over. When (not if) the American stock market crashes the American people will turn their rage against the government that gave tax credits to corporations to shift jobs to other nations, then repealed Glass-Steagal that turned Wall Street into as giant open-air casino, then enacted bailouts (now made permanent) that looted the American people of trillions of dollars to save Wall Street form their gambling losses.

The US Government has a long history of using major wars to get out of economic messes they make. The US Government got out of the crash of 1907 by getting into WWI. The US Government got out of the crash of 1929 by getting into WWII. And here we are in the crash of 2007 and look how hard the US Government is trying to start wars everywhere on Earth, with our young people in uniform already in combat in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, and soon to be Iran and North Korea.

The US Government hopes and prays that the American people will be as stupid as they were in 1917 and 1941 and will stand to attention and salute the flag, throw their money and their children into the fires of war, and forget all about the corruption, the stolen elections, the gulf oil disaster, the mine disaster, the flooding, the potholed roads, the collapsing bridges, the ruined schools,n the ruined economy, the loss of manufacturing, the decline in America's standard of living, the closed hospitals, the out-of-control wildfires, and the wars we are already unable to win.

So, the only question is, are you really that stupid?

Are you?" -- Wake the Flock Up