Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Ghost and Zimbabwe

And you thought he was dead?

"Zimbabwe tells investors our way or no way" by Associated Press  |  October 1, 2010

HARARE, Zimbabwe — Zimbabwe’s president yesterday told foreign investors that they must accept black Zimbabweans as the major shareholders in their projects — or stay away from the southern African nation....   

That type of attitude never goes over well with "investors."

At the funeral of a veteran leader in his ZANU-PF party Tuesday, Mugabe acknowledged the laws may deter potential investors, but said anyone who wanted to share the nation’s resources “must get our permission to do so, in the manner we define’’ or stay away....   

He's so bad he doesn't even deserve a first name.

Zimbabwe is rich in farmland and minerals.  

As its people are mired in incredible poverty.

Mugabe’s statements come more than a month after Zimbabwe sold its first batch of some 900,000 carats of diamonds, ending a nine-month ban. The 2006 discovery in Zimbabwe of one of the biggest diamond finds in southern Africa has generated great interest....   

Related: Diamonds Are a Dictator's Best Friend II

Ephraim Masawi, a former lawmaker and provincial governor in Mugabe’s party, died Saturday of cancer at age 60. He recruited guerrillas for the bush war that ended white rule at independence in 1980.

Mugabe said Masawi, a political commissar in his party’s Soviet-era style politburo, fought against colonial dominance and Western foes still seeking ways, including investment, to reestablish their influence in the country.

That's why he is hated or ignored by the AmeriKan media.

“Let them stay away. Our true friends are eager to come,’’ said Mugabe, who has championed stronger economic ties with Asian and Middle East countries.


I don't think the AmeriKan media is his friend; aren't ghosts supposed to be white apparitions?

"White farmers in Zimbabwe under siege" by Associated Press / October 29, 2010

HARARE, Zimbabwe — A white farmers’ organization said yesterday that its members had seen a renewed onslaught of farm seizures and attacks, including the slayings of two farmers, in recent weeks....

About 4,000 white farmers have been forced from their farms since 2000, disrupting the agriculture-based economy in the former regional breadbasket. Many farms went to Mugabe cronies and still lie idle.


And if the race card didn't work:

"Lions kill tourist at Zimbabwe reserve" by Associated Press / November 5, 2010

HARARE, Zimbabwe — A pride of lions fatally mauled a tourist while he showered under a tree as darkness fell at an unfenced campsite in a nature reserve, a conservationist said yesterday.  

Who would want to vacation in garbage-strewn, cholera-ridden Zimbabwe?

Five lions attacked Peter Evershed, a 59-year-old Zimbabwean businessman, at the Chitake Springs bush camp, a wildlife viewing area near the Mana Pools nature reserve, said Johnny Rodrigues, Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force head.


Family and friends heard Evershed scream and raced to the showers, but he was already dead from a gash to the throat, Rodrigues said.  

Where is Val Kilmer when you need him?

The lions retreated only after a safari operator pulled up in a vehicle with its headlights on and fired shots into the air, Rodrigues told Zimbabwe Herald Online.

Oh, here he comes.

Rodrigues said a surge in hunting amid Zimbabwe’s economic meltdown has made animals more “traumatized’’ and dangerous to humans, though lions are generally not killed by poachers....

Like the lions are reading the business pages of the Boston Globe?

Witnesses say three elephants and three buffalo were illegally killed to feed participants at a political meeting of President Robert Mugabe’s party in western Zimbabwe last month. The military, meanwhile, has denied witness reports it is shooting wildlife in “Operation Nyama,’’ or Operation Meat in the local language, to feed soldiers....

If true it is reprehensible; however, I often wonder if such things are true now.
