Sunday, September 25, 2011

Invisible Ink Outage

Never saw a word in my printed pos.

"Huge power outage leaves 5 million sweltering in California, Arizona, Mexico" September 09, 2011|By Associated Press

SAN DIEGO - A major power outage knocked out electricity to up to 5 million people in California, Arizona, and Mexico yesterday, bringing San Diego and Tijuana to a standstill and leaving people sweltering in the late-summer heat in the surrounding desert.

Two nuclear reactors were offline after losing electricity, but officials said there was no danger to the public or workers.

San Diego bore the brunt of the blackout; most of the nation’s eighth-largest city was darkened....

The outage was probably caused by an employee removing a piece of monitoring equipment that was causing problems at a power substation in southwest Arizona, officials said. The power loss should have been limited to the Yuma, Ariz., area. The power company, Arizona Public Service, was investigating why the outage wasn’t contained.

Homes and businesses were darkened from southern parts of Orange County to San Diego to Yuma. It also affected cities south of the border across much of the state of northern Baja....


Related: Power outage over for most of Arizona, California, and Mexico