Monday, December 26, 2011

Boston Globe Black Hole

"Astronomers marvel at discovery of the biggest black holes yet" December 06, 2011|By Dennis Overbye, New York Times

NEW YORK - Black holes, regions of space where gravity is so intense that not even light can escape from it, are among the weirdest of the predictions of Albert Einstein’s curved-space theory of gravity - general relativity - so weird that Einstein himself did not believe it.

Einstein once wrote to a friend that there ought to be a law of nature forbidding such a thing.

But he was wrong. And some of his successors, like Martin Rees, a cosmologist at Cambridge University, and a colleague at Cambridge, Stephen Hawking, have spent their careers studying the implications for physics of objects that can wrap space-time around themselves like a magician’s cloak and disappear....
Just like the steel from those three trade center towers that fell at free-fall speed into their own footprints, defying the immutable laws of physics.
