Saturday, January 26, 2013

Saturday NoPP in a New Format

I thought I'd give you a treat today, readers, and take you along for what would have been my daily routine and ritual. 

NoPP stands for no printed paper purchase. Normally I would have purchased a Globe with my one luxury, a morning cup of coffee; however, due to the cold weather, snow on the ground, and other factors I am skipping the printed paper.   

Had I purchased one, I would have placed it on the table with my pens and notepads; however, I  am no longer hungry for the Boston Globe, and don't care about Senate speculation, nor that Robert Parish is broke (I have my own problems, and I didn't make millions in my career). Chief is obviously desperate if he's begging the Globe to help him find "work." 

I suppose it is no surprise that there are cheats at Harvard. Where do you think leaders learn such things? 

At this point I would flip open the front page and begin on the national stories.  Again, no surprise that Obama has violated the Constitution, although I would not his new chief of staff isn't a Jew (not that it really matters; the small sliver of disagreement between Zionists and Globalists means nothing to you and me, unless you care which yoke is on you). Had I bought a Globe I probably would have read about the strange shooting in Texas and the corrupt mayor of Detroit; however, not stories I don't care about.  I guess I'm just sick of the bs and lies. Who cares who is out or who is in when it comes to the agenda-advancing mouthpiece media? Not me. Any wonder I'm skipping the lunch?

Opposite the national leads is the world section.  I see China is trying to avoid war, and Morsi is still under attack in Egypt (that's what you get for lining up with the Gazans). I would have read about the ongoing protests and violence in Iraq and the war propaganda regarding Syria. The items from Britain, Italy, don't interest me, nor do the Czech elections (would have if I'd bought a paper). I don't want to see the tweets coming out of Somalia, or hear hot air regarding North Korea. I guess I'm just sick of crap lies covered over by superficial shit, readers.  Nowhere is that more evident than the gold grab in Mali

That's usually where I stop reading my Boston Globe. I no longer read the agenda-pushing op/ed page, metro, or business section. I make a bunch of notes on my notepad with the admonitions to read all, etc., and I'm sure there are some worthy items in there, but by that time I'm so sick of Boston Globe s*** shoveling I simply put the paper into the ever-growing pile of unread Globes. 

Can you blame me, readers? How long would you want to subject yourself to lies, distortions, omissions, and obfuscations that are brought to you with insulting elitism and supremacism?  I know I'm being unfair to the Globe because they are only serving their dwindling supply of readers and advertisers -- and they just lost another.