Sunday, February 22, 2015

Sunday Globe Special: X-Rated Joke

RelatedX Marks the Spot

I stand by by comments, and had he lived today he would have been called a terrorist and been compared to Farrakhan. He's Muslim, donchaknow?

"By the time he died, the Muslim leader had moderated his militant message of black separatism but was still very much a passionate advocate of black unity, self-respect, and self-reliance."

"Malcolm X remembered 50 years later" by Evan Allen and Jeremy C. Fox, Globe Staff and Globe Correspondent  February 22, 2015

Fifty years after Malcolm X was assassinated in a New York City ballroom, about 200 activists gathered a little more than a mile from the Roxbury home where the civil rights leader once lived to discuss police violence, gentrification, and racism, concluding with a walking vigil down Malcolm X Boulevard.

“This is an incredibly important historical moment right now, and there’s a particular urgency to embracing the revolutionary legacy of Malcolm X,” said Sofia Arias, an International Socialist Organization member who delivered the opening remarks at the town hall meeting, held at Roxbury Community College on Saturday.


Arias told the story of Tamir Rice, a 12-year-old boy shot to death three months ago by police in Cleveland, and his mother, who has told media she arrived on the scene and was directed to choose between accompanying her son to the hospital or staying with her 14-year-old daughter, who had been put in a police car after rushing to help Tamir.

They left the Cleveland kid to die as his sister had to sit in the car and watch.

“I think that ultimately represents the ultimatum that America has always given black people,” Arias said. “Either we murder you every 28 hours, we gun you down on the streets for existing as a black person, or we lock you up.”

The activists attending the town hall came from a wide array of groups. 

All controlled opposition no doubt. Propaganda pre$$ won't cover them otherwise.


Other killings, including that of Tamir Rice, have added to outrage that has spilled into the streets in Boston and other cities in the form of marches and die-ins.

“The fight’s not over in Ferguson. We’re part of that fight,” Brock Satter of 4 Mile March Boston said. “We need to build a massive movement.”

Much of the discussion revolved around racism in policing, and many called the entire criminal justice system fundamentally corrupt.

“We don’t have a ‘criminal justice system’ in the US, that’s propaganda in those words,” said Carl Williams, an American Civil Liberties Union and National Lawyers Guild member who said he was speaking as an individual. “We have a system of racial control.”

It's AmeriKan Ju$tu$ now, and everybody knows it.

Williams called for activists to monitor police, courts, and prisons, and in response to a question from the audience, called for “jury nullification” — when a jury acquits a criminal defendant regardless of whether they feel the defendant has broken the law.

Can also be done for laws you think are stupid.

Speakers at the town hall also discussed the problems posed by gentrification, poverty, and an unequal education system.

After the town hall, which lasted for more than two hours, about 50 activists walked outside into the snow, carrying lit candles protected from the wind by paper cups. They moved slowly down the sidewalk on Malcolm X Boulevard chanting, “Ain’t no power like the power of the people, ’cause the power of the people don’t stop.”

At the corner of Malcolm X and Elmwood Street, they lit and released a paper lantern, which rose into the air, blew to the east, and disappeared....

Like this post is about to.


RelatedOccupy Protesters Spoiled MLK's Birthday

I'm more along that line of thinking, and it's time to Comey clean on race. 

The time for jokes is now over.


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