Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Boston Globe Doughnut

Kane’s doughnuts invades Boston Financial District

I just dropped my coffee!  

So rich man eating a doughnut is a business feature?

No worry about obesity or health problems there, or.... ???? 

Hey, if anything the money junkies will kick off early due to clogged arteries and related problems. Maybe we could even get a bit of $ugar from them before they go.

And WHAT is with the SELF-INTERNALIZED WAR TERMINOLOGY EMBEDDED in every article! Talk about being DIVI$IVE!

Netanyahu heads toward fourth term after Israel election

My printed version noted that the opposition reacted with stunned silence, indicating a stolen election, and the snafu regarding Netanyahu's recent visit is all water under the bridge. We will work with the Israeli government (not that a change would have mattered; does it really matter which crop of Zionist Jews run Israel?) even as they sabotage our foreign policy (if you buy into that limited hangout nonsense, that is). What this stolen election signals to me (I'll let the blogs to my right take care of the analysis) is that war with Iran will be coming with the next president. The nuclear deal will fall through, other areas of the planet will be positioned (are now, in fact, and preparations have been going on for years, this was after all a PNAC plan, hey put it in a document), and in a few years the next president will have to show his (or her) bonafides and advance the agenda into its final stage. 

Btw, visit to Congress was the difference, right? See whose spinning that today.

So the polls were wrong and Netanyahu's final blitzkrieg worked, huh? 

I hope you understand why I was not really interested in the coverage, such as it is)

Maybe you would like to try this one on for size; sorry I'm no longer getting up for the Boston Globe.